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I love irises.

Which is dangerous, because I happen to live in one of the hottest spots in the country for iris breeding, growing, and sales. Within an hour, I can be at Schreiner’s, Mid-America Garden, or Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm. Or Aitken’s Salmon Creek Garden, which is where I went today. Here’s what I saw.

Salmon Creek Garden is in Vancouver, Washington, an easy 25-minute drive from my home in Portland. This 40+ year-old family business hybridizes irises (and orchids) and ships them all over the world.

Owner Terry Aitken has received many awards for his irises and has served as president of the American Iris Society. He’s kind of a big deal. He’s incredibly busy this time of year, but when I showed up unannounced today, he was wonderfully gracious to me and took the time to show me around and answer all my questions. His head gardener, Daniel, talked with me, too, and gave me a little tour, and Terry’s wife, Barbara, greeted me when I arrived and took me to the iris fields.

I am most interested in dwarf bearded irises, so that was what I was most hoping to see, and I wasn’t disappointed. They are at peak right now.