When Friends of Trees, Portland’s non-profit tree-planting group, came to my neighborhood in 2017, I scored a beautiful street tree for 35 bucks. I’d wanted two trees, two different varieties, but I could only make my mind up on one—a silver-leaved oak (Quercus hypoleucoides). I considered getting a parrotia for another 35 dollars, but I couldn’t decide if that was what I really wanted. So, the other space in my hellstrip sat empty.
Until two years later.
In fall of 2019, I went plant shopping with my friends Alan and Patricia, and I spotted a Texas live oak (Quercus fusiformis). Honestly, I didn’t know anything about Texas live oaks, but you know how some plants just speak to you? This one said, “Amy, look no further. I’m exactly what you need.” One hundred and ninety-five dollars, but it was on sale for 25% off—that’s less than $150 bucks! Not bad. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get it then and there. The City of Portland requires a permit for all new street trees, so I wanted to get that first. Texas live oak isn’t on the approved street tree list, so I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t get fined for planting it.