Blue, blue ‘Electric Blue’
It’s late May, and it’s been months since my six-year-old neighbor, Mason, has visited the garden, so when his mom stops by to drop off some misdelivered mail, I’m eager to find out where he’s been.
“Well, he’s asked about coming over, but…” Jessica hesitates, “…we didn’t want him to bother you. We know he can be a handful.”
“Oh my gosh, are you kidding? He can come over anytime. Anytime!”
The next day, I make a point to be out watering the front garden when Mason comes home from kindergarten. He takes the bait. “Mrs. Amy!” he yells from two doors down. He runs a few steps and then freezes. “Wait—I have to ask my dad if I can come over.” He disappears inside the house, then comes right back out. “I CAN! Amy, I CAN!” He’s running towards me and he’s so excited and I feel like a rock star.
Once in the garden, he’s nonchalant. “What do you have that’s new?” he asks, scanning the beds with a discerning eye.
“I don’t know—you tell me. What haven’t you seen before?”
He searches carefully, as if he were looking at his Where’s Waldo? book. “This is new.” He points at a peachy Digitalis I got from Xera Plants called ‘Honey Trumpet’.